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More Than Just Tea, It’s a Lifestyle

We don’t sell gimmick teas that give you false promises. We sell tea with natural health benefits for the everyday working individual and children. YES, even your KIDS can enjoy our tea.

Our tea is kid friendly, gluten free, vegan, free of sugar, free of chemicals, and has a balanced amount of caffeine.

Loose leaf tea is better than tea bags because it stays fresher longer and can be re-steeped.

Before Tea

Janee’ was an avid coffee drinker, but she hated the crash that came with it. In 2016, after moving from Miami to Baltimore, Maryland, Janee took a trip to a local establishment serving loose leaf tea. She did not know about loose-leaf tea at the time (only bagged tea) and was quite intrigued about it all. During this time, she was actively serving in the United States Marine Corps. While serving, she looked for a detox that would keep her weight down, help her stay warm, and to calm her anxieties. Every search led her to tea. She began to explore the health benefits of tea and the different origins it's grown. She began to look forward to her next cup of tea. The aroma and the subtle aftertaste is nothing like coffee, and the endless array of tea flavors kept her coming back. Her experience with tea made her excited to share it with everyone she loved. And that is how UpperTEA was born.

It’s a Lifestyle, Not a Fad

Janee’ developed this brand because she wants others know what it’s like to enjoy REAL tea and all of its benefits. With so many flavors, there is no way you will ever become bored with UpperTEA teas. Bring it with you to work, school, or on your next vacation. Being apart of the UpperTEA culture is all about enhancing your everyday lifestyle.